State-of-the-art technology to deal with the raw material crisis


The global plastics converting industry faces a hitherto unknown shortage of raw materials. In the case of Molecor, this problem is not as acute as it can happen in other processing industries since, thanks to its optimized technology for the manufacture of Oriented PVC pipes and fittings, the need for raw material to obtain the final product is much less than in the case of the manufacture of other similar products.

The exceptional mechanical properties of TOM® pipes and ecoFITTOM® fittings, obtained through the molecular orientation process, allow this very important saving of raw materials, of up to more than 50%. For the same nominal outside diameter, TOM and ecoFITTOM require less PVC.


As a result of this reduced need for raw materials, TOM Class 500 pipes and ecoFITTOM PVC-O fittings offer 15% to 40% more hydraulic capacity than pipes made of other materials with comparable external diameters (PVC -U, PE, cast iron), which will always give the best efficiency between the investment cost and the available hydraulic capacity, making them, therefore, more competitive products and, at the same time, more efficient and sustainable. In addition, they comply with SDG No. 6 related to clean water and sanitation, since these pipes and accessories are products with a long useful life that guarantee total water quality and with SDG 12 related to responsible production and consumption.

In addition to this, PVC-O pipes and fittings are 100% recyclable. They can be ground and reprocessed as recycled material for use in the manufacture of any other type of plastic product.

Molecor applies eco-design to manufacture Oriented PVC (PVC-O) pipes and fittings with a very high useful life, reducing the consumption of natural resources, both raw materials and energy during their manufacture, thanks to the development of an exclusive, highly efficient technology. energetically and, therefore, making its PVC pipes and accessories the most competitive products for the transport of pressurized water.