With a consumer, both in the domestic and international markets, increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, the footwear chain in Brazil has been mobilizing to not only encourage sustainable production processes, but also to certify them. In this context, the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) and the Brazilian Association of Companies of Components for Leather, Footwear and Artifacts (Assintecal) are publicizing the update of the Sustainable Origin program, the only sustainable Brazilian certification for component companies and footwear.

In a presentation to businessmen in the sector held this morning (12), representatives of the entities highlighted the importance of sustainability as a form of management optimization, with more savings, preserving the environment and attracting business. The executive president of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, pointed out that more and more consumers, especially from the main shoe consuming countries, such as Brazil, the United States and most European countries, are paying attention to the issue. “Sustainability is no longer a differential, it is a condition for the survival of companies. Whoever is not aligned with the concept will lose space, and in a short term ”, warns the executive, pointing out that last week two major international shoe buyers, from the United States and Germany,

The superintendent of Assintecal, Silvana Dilly, stressed that sustainability must cover all links in the footwear chain, from the component supplier to the final product. “There is no sustainable footwear without a component or sustainable retail. It takes a broad engagement of all participants in the chain for the sector to be a world reference in sustainability ”, he said.

The unprecedented partnership with Ecovalor, a sustainability consultancy, is also a differentiator of the Program, since the company built together with the Program a platform for sustainability management, with all the indicators for monitoring the certifications. Ecovalor’s CEO, Elias da Silveira Neto, points out that the current version of the program has further strengthened the Sustainable Origin, refining its alignment with the best global sustainability and ESG practices. “We believe that, with the massive engagement and participation of the footwear chain in the Program, the sector will quickly position itself internationally as a reference in sustainability and ESG practices, being one of the leaders for the construction of a sustainable, circular and low carbon economy”, projects the consultant.

Sustainable Origin
The Program, which already has names like Vulcabras, Piccadilly, Bibi, Boxprint and Cipatex certified, and many other Brazilian giants in the process of being implemented, such as Arezzo, Usaflex, Ramarim, Beira Rio and Bebecê, aim to be a reference international sustainable business. With audits accredited by SGS and Senai, the certification has four levels of evolution: Bronze (for companies that meet the minimum of 20% to 30% of the proposed indicators), Silver (40%), Gold (60%) and Diamond ( 80%).

More information by e-mail cristian@abicalcados.com.br or atendimento1@assintecal.org.br.