Website www.tecnologiademateriais.com.br
Website www.feiplar.com.br
TM online (informative Material Technology online)
Composites & Engineered Plastics Magazine or Polyurethane Magazine
Dear Exhibitor:
For your booth at FEIPLAR COMPOSITES & FEIPUR 2018, which will take place from 6th to 8th November (Green Hall) atf Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, there is the option of shell scheme (basic assembly) offered by the official assembler. This basic assembly can also be contracted with any other assembler.
When supplied by the official assembler, the basic assembly has the following characteristics:
See descriptive below |
Walls: Mounted in modular profile system, white TS panels with 2.12 in height, supported on octanorm aluminum frame.
Ceiling: Cast ceiling, raised to 2.02 in height supported on column structures and an anodized aluminum octanorm
Floor: Carpeted graphite lining (916) applied to the floor
Illumination: 1 Spot light with incandescent lamps every 3sqm
Identification plate 1 Blue PVC standard strip with 1 display name (black writing - Arial)
Complement: 1 Socket (220V) each 9m²